Actie: op 1 februari doen we alle lichten uit!

Press Release: FYEG supports the French "Alliance pour la planète" action against climate change
The French "Alliance pour la planète" calls for action: it asks to turn off all lights on Thursday, 1st of February between 19.55 hrs and 20.00 hrs. The aim is not only to give our planet some rest, but mainly to show our politicians, the media and concitoyens that many people are serious about their worries concerning climate change and want to take action against it.
The action will take place on February 1st because the next day, the climate experts of the UN will release their report in Paris.
Ska Keller, FYEG Spokesperson, says: "FYEG supports this action because climate change is a big problem that will have serious negative effects on the world's ecosystem. In order to stop climate change, it is time to take action now!"
Joke Van de Putte, FYEG EU-Coordinator, adds: "Climate change is one of our main concerns, and we are pleased to see that other organisations also lobby to start preventing climate change. As we believe citizens should be involved in politics as much as possible, we are happy to support this action, and to promote it for citizens all over Europe."
Ska Keller, Spokesperson : +491705321250
Joke van de Putte, EU-Coordinator : +32472490646
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