Persbericht van FYEG: FYEG is het niet eens met de poging van de Europese Commissie om kernenergie te promoten!

The European Commission (EC) prepares a document in which it highlights the advantages of nuclear energy. This document is part of the proposals on energy that the EC will publish on January 10th. The aim is to reduce Europe's emissions by 50% in 2050.
The EC believes nuclear energy is the best solution to reduce Europe's CO2 emissions, as many European countries already dispose of nuclear energy and as nuclear energy is an energy source that doesn't emit many CO2's. They also believe that there will be enough uranium for the next decennia.
FYEG strongly disapproves of using nuclear energy as a way to reduce the CO2 emissions. Ska Keller, FYEG-spokesperson, says: "Nuclear energy is first of all a very dangerous energy resource, as the Chernobyl disaster has shown. A second disadvantage of nuclear energy is that a safe solution for the transport and stockage of nuclear waste does not exist."
Joke Van de Putte, FYEG EU-Coordinator, adds: Nuclear energy is very expensive. The money invested in research on nuclear energy and in the security of the nuclear power plants, is three times as much as the money invested in durable energy resources such as wind and solar energy. This is a surprising fact, as durable energy resources are a much better and safer solution to reduce the CO2 emissions with 50% by 2050."
It are the member states who finally decide on their energy resources. FYEG therefore urges the governments of the member states to reject the European Commission's proposal.
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