Fyeg zoekt deelnemers aan studiesessie over de sociale inclusie van migranten

FYEG organiseert regelmatig studiesessies en seminaries waarin bepaalde onderwerpen grondig bestudeerd worden. In juni vindt een studiesessie over de sociale inclusie van migranten plaats in het Europees jeugdcentrum van Straatsburg. Iedereen die jonger is dan 34, zich affiniteit heeft met het groene gedachtegoed en zich verstaanbaar kan maken in het Engels, kan zich ervoor inschrijven. De studiesessie is een deel van Fyeg's Europese campagne "Unity in Diversity", waarmee Fyeg wil duidelijk maken dat iedereen meetelt, ongeacht culturele, raciale, religieuze of seksuele verschillen.
Meer info over de studiesessie vind je hier, of op de website van Fyeg.
Call for participants
FYEG is looking for 35 participants for a study session with the title
"Social Inclusion of Migrants"; taking place from 2nd to 9th of June
2007 in Strasbourg, France. The topic is on the possibilities of
migrants and people with migrant backgrounds in the social field, e.g.
health care, education and labour market and how migrants can affect
these policies on their own.
A study session is a dynamic seminar with both formal and non-formal
parts; a space where you can learn, share your experience and discuss
with others to go further in the discussion and come to actual results.
Applicants should be:
- citizen of or resident in a member state of the Council of Europe
(that's pretty much all of Europe, not just EU)
- be able to communicate in English (no perfection required)
- attend the whole study session (arrive on 2^nd ; leave on 9^th of
- should not be older than 34
Priority will be given to members of FYEG and CDN; however, this call
open for everyone. We will be accommodated in the Youth Center in
Strasbourg which has great facilities. You will be staying in 2-bed
rooms. Board, lodging and travel costs will be covered by the
organisers. The participation fee is 45 EUR and will be deducted from
the travel reimbursement which you will receive at the end of the study
We encourage especially women to apply for his project. Deadline for
applications is 2^nd of April. You will know by the end of April
you have been selected or not.
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